
Thursday, 6 December 2018

Lesson 2

Me and kiwi came this fancy hotle in Australia. But kiwi only spoke spanish so then he kept shut. It was english they spoke so I felt condifent

Here am I eating hokey pokey icecream. This is  a New Zealand type of icecream.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Three tips while flying a plane

Three safty tips for flying 

 1) Never smoke when you are on a plane when kids are near.

2) When you see a sign that has a seat belt it means you need to bukle up. 

 3) When a breathing mask comes down put it over your head and pull on the two side on the mask. When you have done that you can help the little people around you.

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Facts about Australia

Australia Australia's Capital city is Canberra, this city is one of the main cities. (there are eight)

Canberra has 356,585 people in there country thats a lot.

In January the weather in Canberra is 29° / 14. Canberra is located in the middle of Australia.

The Languge Most spoken other than English is a region was itailian with 0.5% but 1,052 people use that langue at home.

Canberra is Australia's largest inland city. Australia's capital city (canberra) is 100 years old

I want to visit Canberra because I want to come out of my confert zone.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Where is the love?

We listened to a song and then we had to write about the song.

Where is the love?

 I was walking down the street I saw a homeless person getting arrested and for getting kicked out from stores, so I walked past I saw people staring at me and that was when I saw another homeless person getting arrested and that was when I had enough. Then I went to help that homeless so by saving the homeless I had to do a crime then the cops caught then I asked them why? Why would you arrest a homeless person then when I heard the answer I was feriors because he said that he was black. So then I ran and said God bless.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Letter to Mum and Dad

Dear Mum and Dad,

 Thank you for letting me go to camp and getting my gear ready for camp, thank you for all the support and for signing my papers. When I went to camp I was happy and when I got back you saw me having a smile.

 Yours sincerely,

Monday, 12 November 2018


WALT: compose a poem about the waterslide

 The waterslide

After when the activities were finished I was walking to the water slide with excitement. Then I walked up to the top and was waiting in line. When Petelo went down the water slide I could see everything and I was panicking until Neima’s dad said GO! I went down the waterslide like a penguin flying through stickers went up my back. That is why I have lumps and I live for another day.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

The fear of the flying fox

WALT: write a descritve recount about senior camp.

 Our task was to write about our favorite activety and my one is all about the flyingfox.

The flying fox 

 most of the seniors went to camp and we splitted up to year 5, 6 and 7’s group, to everyone from room six. My group went to the flying fox when the people from room six started another activity. 

When the people in my group got to the flying fox we got taught how to put on a harness. Then we got told that there was not gonna be enough for all of us so when we got to the end you had to put the buckle behind your back so when you are running the buckle won’t hit your face. But when you have done all of that you sprint back so people get a turn. So then I grabbed a harness. 

 And I was putting my harness on with Felix and Sanele. I went to the line and I was waiting in fear because I am afraid of heights. Then it was my turn. Mr Barnes helped me put on my helmet. and then I started to climb up to the top. When I was up at the top I saw Lachlan go with no fear and I had lots of faith. 

 Then it was my turn, the lady got me ready, I took two steps forward. I was really high up and that was when I had no faith in myself. Then after about twelve seconds I ran and jumped down and when I jumped that was when I conquered my fear of the flying fox. 

 At the end I saw Mr Norman and I think Mr Chapple. When I was going to stop Mr Norman said “run up the platform”. So then I did what he said and when I did it he said that I was the first person to follow his instruction. And I felt proud of myself. 

 But I had lots of fun at camp with the flying fox not just because I followed instructions because I had a have a go attitude.

Thursday, 20 September 2018


WALT: use our knowledge of layering images to create a "Karaehe I spy".

 We had a task to get an animal and hide them and we had to do six of each animal.
 Can you find them?

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

The mysterios log

The mysterios log 

 I was walking along the hallway and I saw this mysterios log in my house so then I decided to take it into my room but as soon as I said that I wanted it be a dog it looked like my dog I was aaaamazed by the power that this log can do. So then I siad turn into a robot and it did. So now I walk with a 8.9 foot robot it even makes me breakfast, linch and dinner then it teaches my lots of sports like league, rugby, soccer and hocky. But most of all it taught me respect, freindship and loalty and now I use it where ever I go. People call me the bully but now they call me hero and robot teacher. Now my robots name is mike. Now when I need to go to school I say Mike the bike and he turns into the bike then when I so Mike he turns into the robot and we became best freinds for the end of our lives.

 The End

The dark halls

Darkest mind 

 The frezzing house with claw marks coming down the hall I saw these red eyes one eyes had a scar but I couldn’t see it so then I creept up. Close as I was creeping closer the monster went on it’s hands and feet and crawled its way to me but then as soon as I know it claw marks start to get onto the wall so then I tried to run I turned on the lights and I saw a four claw arm werewolf. But I wasn’t scared until the lights popped and the only light that I saw was the moon and the four claw amr werewolfes red eyes. I tried to run but as soon as I got close to the door because I left the open. Back to the scene. As soon as I got to the door the door shut. Then the wolf caught me so then I was screaming for help but no one heared me. Then I saw pennywise. He told me to eat worms and if I don’t he said that you will see more than 100 eyes. Then he disaperad into the black dark night as the sun fell from the sky and the moon rised. I heared creepy sounds roar!, hahahaha, be careful when the moon falls because if you are naught I will come for you. And as I shined the into its eyes i saw the…. BOOGIE MAN! I tried to run but as the moon came to me I turned into the werwolf and I roared like an alpha roar!!!!!!!!!!!!!. As I roared louder and louder the boggie man would say stop it stop it. But as soon he said stop it the whole place almost came down but it just shook. I came out and ran for my life and I made it out I was relife that I got out of the junkyard. I have learnt a lesson never every go into the grave yard unlist you are meeting someone who have past away.

 The End

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Information Report: St. Bernadettes

WALT: Write an Information Report. 

St. Bernadette School

Did you know that St. bernadette school was a farm?

That is why the road is call Hei Hei road. Hei Hei stands for chicken. In St. bernadette school we have the C.E.R.R values and they are Compassion, Excellent, Responsibility and respect and as seniors we are role models to the juniors.

 In this school we have a principal and his name is Mr Norman. He is the one who runs this school and makes the rules. He is the best principal he is just like a teacher kind and always happy.

 In class we learn about Jesus and we call that topic Religious education (R.E.) and this term we are learning about sacrament mostly about ination. They are Baptism, eucharist and confirmation and also we are learning about chrism oil. That is when you get blessed and the bishop puts a cross on you forehead with the chrism oil.

 In the morning we talk about the C.E.R.R values on monday. That is when all the seniors come together. Mr Norman came up with the idea to call this time prayer assembly because we talk about what would Jesus do to shorten that sentence we call it W.W.J.D. And we also look at quotes to see what the quotes message is. Then we say an our father and then a hail mary to help us and guide us through this day. Then we say the sign of the cross and then we walk off to our classes to learn even more and have a good day at school.

 We have the best teachers (Miss Bergin) and the best teacher aids (Mrs Sutherland). And that is why I love this school and this is why I call this school home.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Nurses going on strike

WALT: write a letter and show it to the world.

what I had to do was listen to my teacher and think and that was what I did and I wrote this great pecie of writing.

To whom may concern,

 It has come to this moment when I have to talk to you about why do we need nurses. We need nurses because if there is really sick patient that needs health care but they didn’t know that the nurses went on strike the patient will probably die or suffer and spread that sickness around the hole hospital or even the world!

 So if I was a doctor/nurse and I had to work night shift and it was payday and I got a little amount of cash I could either fuss about it and go on strike and let the sick people die or I could think on the positive side and just forget about. (atleast you have money)

 I love doctors/nurse because some are genouros and some can be rude but it dosen’t matter because everyone is diffrent because God created diffrent sizes of people because everyone is special just the way they are. I wish people can just get along and enjoy time with eachother and also (DON’T WASTE IT).

 You’s sincerly: Micah

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Reasons why Matariki is important

Why is Matariki important?
 You will learn alot from these facts.

 Firstly the people in NZ learn of the seven Matariki stars because they are Papatuanuku’s grand daughter. So they learn about uruaragi and the rest of the sister.

 Secondly we learn about Matariki because it is a time of silence and a remembrance of those who have died in war and in the past. So we are in silence to show respect for those soilders and people.

 Thirdly Matariki is the Māori new year so it is like thanks giving but it is winter so the people of NZ go outside and wear coats. Then after that we spend time with whānau (family) because you are busy everyday so this day will help you use all of your time and spend it all on your whānau. After that you tell your family to come and members of the family tell Māori. Just like you can tell a story about Maui and the sun or telling them about Matariki.

Reasons of matariki learn more about nature and you get closer to nature so then we learn about the seven Matariki stars gift or lessons like the all of the God.
Written by:Micah Sula

Tuesday, 3 July 2018


WALT: look at a picture and try to trace it's detail.

 We have worked hard and we have acomplish this art and it is special to our teachers because they proud.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Kei te pehea koe?

WALT: discover new languages like Maori so kei te pehea koe means how are you. the Animation was hard for me because I am not use to use animations.

Monday, 19 March 2018

The day

WALT: put ideas into words so our teacher she puts up a picture for us to think and write.   

the writing was quite difficult because I couldn't think that fast.

 The holiday On a day like this me and my family told me “get into the car”. So then my family was pushing me into the car and we drove off. We went to place to place I was getting tired but before I got to close my eyes I saw the movies. So then I got so excited we went into the movies but my mum went to see my day because he had a tooth aches. So it was just me and my brothers and sister. The theater was almost empty but then people started to come and then the movie started it was awesome. But then I asked my brothers and sister can we go home and they said “the fun just started”. Then I saw my Mum but not my dad. Then my mum said do you want to have more fun and I said yes and had the fun of our life then we went home relaxed and went to bed for the next day. To continue

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Limerick Time

WALT: write a limerick on a topic of our choice.

We learnt about limerick it is when the fist then second line is a rhyme. Like cliff and stiff. We made a screencastify.
Jumping Monkeys

There once was a monkey who thought he was funky
He was jumping here and there saw a cliff but he had a sniff.
He kept on jumping then fell off and jumping he will never be.