
Tuesday, 18 September 2018

The dark halls

Darkest mind 

 The frezzing house with claw marks coming down the hall I saw these red eyes one eyes had a scar but I couldn’t see it so then I creept up. Close as I was creeping closer the monster went on it’s hands and feet and crawled its way to me but then as soon as I know it claw marks start to get onto the wall so then I tried to run I turned on the lights and I saw a four claw arm werewolf. But I wasn’t scared until the lights popped and the only light that I saw was the moon and the four claw amr werewolfes red eyes. I tried to run but as soon as I got close to the door because I left the open. Back to the scene. As soon as I got to the door the door shut. Then the wolf caught me so then I was screaming for help but no one heared me. Then I saw pennywise. He told me to eat worms and if I don’t he said that you will see more than 100 eyes. Then he disaperad into the black dark night as the sun fell from the sky and the moon rised. I heared creepy sounds roar!, hahahaha, be careful when the moon falls because if you are naught I will come for you. And as I shined the into its eyes i saw the…. BOOGIE MAN! I tried to run but as the moon came to me I turned into the werwolf and I roared like an alpha roar!!!!!!!!!!!!!. As I roared louder and louder the boggie man would say stop it stop it. But as soon he said stop it the whole place almost came down but it just shook. I came out and ran for my life and I made it out I was relife that I got out of the junkyard. I have learnt a lesson never every go into the grave yard unlist you are meeting someone who have past away.

 The End

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