
Monday 21 September 2020

Learning about the seven sacraments


For the past few weeks we have been learning about the 7 sacraments, we had to get all the information that we had learnt and finish all the activities. Here is one of my activities that I want to show you. So the activity that I am showing you is the sacraments of Initiation. So since we are talking about sacraments let me tell you the names of these 7 sacraments. 1. Baptism   2. Euchrist    3. Confirmation  4. Reconciliation 5. Anointing of the sick  6. Marriage  7. Holy orders. Those are the seven sacraments thank you for looking at my work. Hope you have a lovely holiday and stay safe

Thursday 17 September 2020



Today we had to present some things to others like how to use stop motion and how to draw on scartch. The things that were hard about presenting was the wifi because the person who was doing the slideshow would loose wifi. The other things were mucking up and other things. But we got through and we presented it was alot of fun.

Thursday 10 September 2020

Tongan laguage week 2020

 Hey there, today I am going to talk about some things that I find intersting about tonga. First fact is that tonga is made up with 170 islands I can't name the islands I just know that Tonga is made with 170 islands. Second fact is that the tongans used this plane could a spitfire plan. It said that this plane was the best in all of europe. So Tonga fudraised alot of money even the queen of tonga gave 10% of her income to help buy the spitfire to help them in the war. Final fact Tonga was found in 4th of June 1970, that was along time ago. Ok thanks for reading this sorry couldn't get my kahoot up for yous to play. maybe next time. toki sio (Goodbye)