
Friday 17 May 2019

Why we celebrate pink shirt day?

Today was pink shirt we celebrate pink shirt day because in other school people are getting bullied so we are wearing pink and celebrating this day to take a stand to thoes bullies. On this day people are getting bullied but there willbe someone who will take care of you.Image result for pink shirt day 2019 quotes png

Thursday 9 May 2019

Mothers day description

this week we have been descriping about our mothers, sisters and aunty's.

 My mom’s name is Lotte she is short and nice she has green eyes and dark chocolate hair. When i am good she sounds like angel but when i am naughty she calls my name really loud and when i say really it means really loud, when me and my brothers are playing she says we are little monkeys. My mum smells like roses, she makes me smell nice with my lynx.

 My mum stands up when she is mad, she looks like a boiling jug that is gonna explode. When she speaks her voice echoes and everyone gets a fright. She works far from home, she also helps at the club rooms like cleaning and helps announcing player of the day.

 When my mum is nice to the family we are nice but when she is mad we are scared. People outside of the house think that we are a great family and kind to our cousins but not me.

 My mum makes sure we are eating healthy and makes sure we are doing well in school and staying fit in league, she loves the house to be clean even the grass so I cut the grass and my brothers and sister do the house.

 I love my mum more than anything in the world i wouldn’t change a thing or trade a thing for her. So love your mum and she will love you back.

Out of this world
The best

Monday 6 May 2019

All about trevor

WALT: descripe about pig or trevor by using show not tell.

Trevor is a sausage dog with really short legs his belly drags along the ground well he walked, his eyes are so big he can see both ways without moving an eye. His fur is as red as a sausage. Trevor sounds like a squeaking mice. Trevor smells like wet socks and wet dog.

 Trevor is a kind sausage dog that likes to play and also likes to share sometimes he lets pig steal his toys. Trevor speaks like he wants to share or join. Trevor is unique because he doesn’t want attention or he justs want to play with other dogs, he is also unique from the way he talks his voice doesn’t annoy anyone only pigs voice.

 Trevor’s behavior is a keeping calm behavior, this behavior affects people by charging them up like pig this makes him mad. When pig pushes trevor he acts like everything is ok but when pig gets really mad he loses control and hurts trevor. Sometimes trevor wanted to feel like he is not left out but pig kicks him out and makes him the star.

Trevor and pig never get along it is all ways trevor getting bullied and when trevor gets bullied he does not do anything he keeps calm and that is what charges up pig.

 Trevor’s room is so neat that everything is organized like his collection of sprays and toys, when you walk in you will see trevor’s shoes lined up in a neat and tidy row. Trevor is the tidest in the family you will see toys that have not been stolen yet by pig are on his bed and you will see his treadmill set and healthy food to keep his energy high. Trevor is a person who really cares about the environment he waters his plants his favorite plant is a rose because it is a nice bright colour. But the environment in his room is fantastic the smell is glorious and there is nothing on the floor. But when you look under the bed it is a little bit messy like food and mold under his bed but everything else is really clean.