
Friday, 23 October 2020



Today we were learning about media, media is like atcivities you do in life like reading, game, social media and more. Yeah today we learnt about those medias. After we learnt about all of that we had to make a picture about what type of media we do. This is my media. Hope you like it.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Love your enemies


This slideshow is gonna teach you or tell you what loving your enemies really mean. So in this slideshow I have used some passages from the bible to help me finish this slide. I have kinda worked really hard on this. The things that were hard were when I had to come up with some ideas to break up the passage. The things that were easy about making this DLO was the pictures because I had to read the passage and then come up with a picture that goes with it. Hope you enjoy this slideshow.